דלג לתוכן
אתר זה לא תומך בגרסאות ישנות של אינטרנט אקספלורר
מומלץ להשתמש בדפדפן גוגל כרום או פיירפוקס מוזילה
(או באינטרנט אקספלורר / edge עדכני)


The fool

The Fool is a captivating card in the Tarot deck, depicted as a young person standing at the edge of a cliff, oblivious to the potential danger ahead. This card represents new beginnings, spontaneity, and a childlike sense of wonder. It signifies a fresh start, unburdened by past experiences or preconceived notions. This card embodies a sense of new beginnings, unlimited potential, and a willingness to take risks. It signifies a fresh start, unburdened by past experiences or preconceived notions.


The magician

The Magician is a captivating tarot card that embodies the potential for manifestation and the power to create change. Represented by a figure standing at a table adorned with various symbols, this card signifies the ability to harness one's resources and skills to bring about desired outcomes. The Magician is associated with dexterity, eloquence, and resourcefulness, suggesting that the querent possesses the tools necessary to transform their circumstances. Symbolisms in the image of The Magician further illuminate its meaning. The


The high priestess

The High Priestess is a profound and enigmatic tarot card that embodies intuition, wisdom, and the mysteries of the subconscious mind. She represents the gateway to hidden knowledge and the realms beyond the physical. The High Priestess is often depicted sitting between two pillars, holding a scroll or a book of ancient wisdom. This card carries a sense of feminine energy and divine connection, inviting the querent to explore the depths of their inner wisdom and embrace the power of


The empress

The Empress is a symbol of nurturing, abundance, and fertility. As the embodiment of feminine energy, this card represents the creative force and the power of nurturing and growth. The Empress is often depicted as a pregnant woman surrounded by lush vegetation, emphasizing her association with fertility and the natural world. This card signifies the potential for creation, both in the physical and metaphorical realms. Symbolisms in the image of The Empress further enrich its meaning. The presence of blooming


The emperor

The Emperor is a symbol of authority, structure, and leadership. Representing masculine energy, this card embodies strength, stability, and the power to create order. The Emperor is often depicted as a figure seated on a throne, wearing a crown, and holding a scepter, representing his dominion and control over his realm. Symbolisms in the image of The Emperor further enhance its meaning. The throne symbolizes stability, while the crown signifies his sovereignty and wisdom. The scepter represents his authority and


The heirophant

The Hierophant, also known as the High Priest, represents tradition, spirituality, and religious teachings. This card symbolizes the connection between the earthly and the divine realms, emphasizing the importance of wisdom, guidance, and spiritual knowledge. The Hierophant is often depicted as a figure of authority, dressed in ceremonial attire and holding a staff or a religious symbol, signifying his role as a spiritual leader. Symbolisms in the image of The Hierophant further enrich its meaning. The pillars behind the Hierophant


The lovers

The Lovers is a card that embodies love, relationships, and choices. It represents the union of opposites, harmony, and the power of deep emotional connections. The Lovers card often depicts a man and a woman standing or sitting together, with an angel or a higher being overseeing them. This card signifies the potential for romantic love, soulmate connections, and the exploration of deep emotional bonds. Symbolisms in the image of The Lovers further enrich its meaning. The presence of the


The chariot

The Chariot is a card that represents willpower, determination, and triumph. Symbolizing the journey of the soul, this card depicts a charioteer riding a chariot pulled by two sphinxes or horses. The Chariot signifies the querent's ability to harness their inner strength and navigate through challenges to achieve success. Symbolisms in the image of The Chariot further enrich its meaning. The charioteer represents the conscious mind, guiding and directing the energies at play. The sphinxes or horses symbolize the opposing



Strength is a card that represents courage, inner strength, and resilience. It symbolizes the ability to overcome challenges and harness one's inner power. In tarot decks, Strength is often depicted with a figure gently taming a lion, symbolizing the taming of one's inner fears and primal instincts through compassion and inner fortitude. Symbolisms in the image of Strength further enrich its meaning. The figure's calm demeanor and gentle touch convey a sense of compassion and emotional intelligence. The lion represents


The hermit

The Hermit is a card that represents introspection, solitude, and inner wisdom. It symbolizes a period of self-reflection, seeking answers within, and finding guidance through introspective practices. The Hermit is often depicted as a solitary figure holding a lantern, symbolizing the quest for inner illumination and enlightenment. Symbolisms in the image of The Hermit further enrich its meaning. The lantern represents the light of wisdom, knowledge, and spiritual enlightenment. The staff the Hermit carries signifies the support and guidance the


Wheel of fortune

The Wheel of Fortune is a card that represents cycles, destiny, and the constant changes of life. It symbolizes the ebb and flow of fortune and the ever-turning wheel of fate. The Wheel of Fortune is often depicted as a large wheel with different figures or symbols, representing the various stages of life and the unpredictability of circumstances. Symbolisms in the image of The Wheel of Fortune further enrich its meaning. The figures or symbols on the wheel represent the



Justice is a card that represents fairness, balance, and the consequences of our actions. It symbolizes the pursuit of truth, integrity, and the notion that everyone will ultimately be held accountable for their deeds. The card often depicts a figure holding a sword and scales, representing the impartiality and discernment required in the pursuit of justice. Symbolisms in the image of Justice further enrich its meaning. The scales represent the need for balance and impartial judgment in decision-making. The sword


The hanged man

The Hanged Man is a card that represents surrender, suspension, and a shift in perspective. It symbolizes a state of letting go, sacrificing old beliefs or attachments, and embracing a new understanding of oneself and the world. The card often depicts a figure hanging upside down by one leg, appearing serene and at peace despite their unconventional position. Symbolisms in the image of The Hanged Man further enrich its meaning. The upside-down position of the figure represents a willingness to



Death is a card that represents transformation, endings, and the inevitability of change. It symbolizes the natural cycle of life, where something must come to an end for new beginnings to emerge. The card often depicts a skeleton or a figure representing death, signifying the release of the old and the potential for rebirth and growth. Symbolisms in the image of Death further enrich its meaning. The presence of a setting sun in the background represents the completion of a



Temperance is a card that represents balance, moderation, and harmony. It symbolizes the blending of opposites, the integration of diverse elements, and the need for patience and adaptability. The card often depicts an angelic figure pouring liquid between two vessels, symbolizing the harmonious blending of different energies. Symbolisms in the image of Temperance further enrich its meaning. The angelic figure represents divine guidance and spiritual harmony. The pouring of liquid represents the need to find a middle ground, to find


The devil

The Devil card in tarot represents the darker aspects of human nature, bondage, and the illusions that can entrap us. It symbolizes the forces of temptation, addiction, and materialism. The card often depicts a devil-like figure with chains, representing the self-imposed limitations and unhealthy attachments that keep us trapped. The basic meaning of the Devil card revolves around the concept of being ensnared by our desires, fears, or limiting beliefs. It serves as a reminder to examine the areas of


The tower

The Tower is a card that represents sudden change, upheaval, and the breaking down of existing structures. It symbolizes the need for transformation, the release of what no longer serves us, and the potential for growth through adversity. The card often depicts a tower being struck by lightning, with people falling from it, representing the collapse of outdated beliefs and systems. Symbolisms in the image of The Tower further enrich its meaning. The lightning represents a powerful force that brings


The star

The Star is a card in the Tarot deck that radiates a sense of hope, inspiration, and healing. It represents a guiding light in times of darkness, symbolizing a renewed sense of faith and optimism – a sense of relief after a period of challenges or difficulties. The Star brings a message of divine intervention, reminding us that even in the midst of challenges, there is always a glimmer of hope to hold onto. It signifies a period of healing


The moon

The Moon is a card that represents intuition, the subconscious mind, and the mysteries that lie beyond the surface. It symbolizes the need to delve deep into one's emotions, embrace the unknown, and trust one's inner wisdom. The card often depicts a moon shining brightly in the night sky, with a path leading towards a body of water, symbolizing the journey into the depths of the subconscious. Symbolisms in the image of The Moon further enrich its meaning. The moon


The sun

The Sun is a card that represents joy, vitality, and success. It symbolizes warmth, optimism, and the radiance of inner strength. The card often depicts a bright, shining sun in the sky, representing the source of life and illumination. The card reveals a period of happiness, positive energy, and personal fulfillment. This card suggests that the querent may experience a time of abundance, success, and a deep sense of inner contentment. In a specific situation, The Sun may indicate the



Judgement is a card that represents self-reflection, rebirth, and the awakening of higher consciousness. It symbolizes the need for self-evaluation, forgiveness, and the release of past judgments. The Judgement card reveals a moment of reckoning, and the potential for personal growth and transformation. This card suggests that the querent may be called to evaluate their life choices, reassess their beliefs and values, and let go of past judgments and limitations. In a specific situation, Judgement may indicate the need for


The world

The World is the final card of the Major Arcana and represents completion, wholeness, and the attainment of goals. It symbolizes a sense of fulfillment, integration, and the culmination of a significant cycle in the querent's life. The World reveals a period of accomplishment, integration, and the realization of one's full potential. This card suggests that the querent has reached a significant milestone in their life's journey and is now ready to embrace new beginnings. In a specific situation, The


Ace of wands

The Ace of Wands is a card that represents new beginnings, creative potential, and inspired action. It symbolizes the spark of passion, enthusiasm, and the ignition of creative energy. The Ace of Wands, as a general theme, signifies the beginning of a passionate and creative endeavor. It suggests that the querent is being presented with a new opportunity or idea that has the potential to ignite their enthusiasm and fuel their ambitions. In a specific situation, the Ace of Wands


Two of wands

The Two of Wands is a card that represents personal empowerment, strategic planning, and the need to make decisions that align with long-term goals. It symbolizes the potential for expansion, exploration, and taking control of one's destiny. This card suggests that the querent has reached a point where they possess the power and potential to manifest their desires and create their own path. In a specific situation, the Two of Wands may indicate the need for the querent to have


Three of wands

The Three of Wands is a card that represents progress, expansion, and the realization of long-term goals. It symbolizes the anticipation of success, the willingness to take risks, and the ability to see beyond the present moment. This card suggests that the querent's previous efforts and planning are coming to fruition, and they are now in a position to see the results of their actions. In a specific situation, the Three of Wands may indicate the need for the querent


Four of wands

The Four of Wands is a card that represents celebration, harmony, the culmination of a significant milestone and the recognition of accomplishments. It symbolizes a sense of joy, stability, and the coming together of individuals in a harmonious union. This card suggests that the querent has reached a point of success and can now enjoy the fruits of their labor. In a specific situation, the Four of Wands may indicate the need for the querent to celebrate, express gratitude for


Five of wands

The Five of Wands is a card that represents competition, conflict, and the need for collaboration and finding common ground. It symbolizes challenges, disagreements, and the clash of different perspectives. This card may suggest that the querent is faced with challenges or disagreements that require careful navigation and open communication. In a specific situation, the Five of Wands may indicate the need for the querent to approach conflicts with diplomacy, patience, and a willingness to find compromises. The action to


Six of wands

The Six of Wands is a card that represents victory, recognition, and the attainment of personal triumph. It symbolizes a sense of accomplishment, self-confidence, and the acknowledgement of one's abilities. Interpreting the Six of Wands reveals a period of triumph, public recognition, and a boost in self-confidence. This card suggests that the querent has overcome challenges and achieved a significant milestone, earning admiration and respect from others. In a specific situation, the Six of Wands may indicate the need for


Seven of wands

The Seven of Wands is a card that represents courage, resilience, and standing up for oneself in the face of opposition. It symbolizes the need to defend one's beliefs, assert one's boundaries, and assert dominance in challenging situations. The card often depicts a figure standing atop a hill, holding a wand and fending off multiple adversaries who are below. Interpreting the Seven of Wands reveals a period of heightened tension, resistance, and the need for assertiveness. This card suggests that


Eight of wands

The Eight of Wands is a card that represents swift movement, progress, and the acceleration of events. It symbolizes the energy of rapid change, opportunities coming forth, and the removal of obstacles. The card often depicts eight wands flying through the air, suggesting forward momentum and the manifestation of desires. Interpreting the Eight of Wands reveals a period of swift action, advancement, and the potential for significant progress. This card suggests that the querent may experience a surge of energy


Nine of wands

The Nine of Wands is a card that represents resilience, perseverance, and the strength to overcome challenges. It symbolizes the need to stay determined, even when faced with adversity, and to protect one's interests. The card often depicts a figure standing with a defensive posture, leaning on a wand, and appearing cautious but resolute. In most areas of concern, the Nine of Wands suggests that the querent has faced numerous obstacles and setbacks but has remained resilient throughout their journey.


Ten of wands

The Ten of Wands is a card that represents burdens, overwhelm, and the weight of responsibilities. It symbolizes the feeling of being weighed down by excessive obligations or self-imposed limitations. The card often depicts a figure struggling to carry a heavy bundle of wands, signifying the querent's current state of feeling overwhelmed or overburdened. At its core, the Ten of Wands signifies the culmination of a cycle or project that has become excessively demanding. It indicates a time when the


Page of wands

The Page of Wands is a card that embodies enthusiasm, exploration, and the spark of new beginnings. It symbolizes the youthful energy and curiosity that accompanies embarking on a new path or creative endeavor. The card often depicts a young figure holding a wand, standing at the edge of a vibrant landscape, exuding a sense of adventure. In its essence, the Page of Wands represents the spirit of inspiration and the pursuit of passions. It signifies the beginning stages of


Knight of wands

The Knight of Wands is a card that represents action, ambition, and the pursuit of passion. It symbolizes a dynamic and assertive energy, signifying the querent's drive to accomplish their goals and make a significant impact. The card often depicts a mounted knight ready for adventure, holding a wand, and exuding confidence and determination. In its essence, the Knight of Wands embodies the spirit of action and forward movement. It signifies a period of enthusiasm, ambition, and a strong desire


Queen of wands

The Queen of Wands is a card that represents confidence, leadership, and the embodiment of fiery energy. She symbolizes a strong and independent woman who is passionate, charismatic, and radiates a commanding presence. The card often depicts a queen seated on a throne, holding a wand, and exuding warmth and authority. In its essence, the Queen of Wands embodies the qualities of creativity, charisma, and determination. She signifies a powerful and influential figure who is capable of leading and inspiring


King of wands

The King of Wands is a card that represents leadership, vision, and the embodiment of fiery energy. He symbolizes a charismatic and influential figure who is confident, assertive, and takes charge of any situation. The card often depicts a king seated on a throne, holding a wand, and exuding an aura of authority and power. In its essence, the King of Wands embodies the qualities of ambition, inspiration, and the ability to lead with confidence. He signifies a natural-born leader


Ace of pentacles

The Ace of Pentacles is a card that represents new beginnings, prosperity, and the potential for material abundance. It symbolizes opportunities for financial growth, stability, and the manifestation of tangible goals. The card often depicts a hand emerging from a cloud, offering a pentacle, surrounded by a fertile landscape. In its essence, the Ace of Pentacles embodies the energy of material well-being and the promise of a solid foundation. It signifies the start of a new financial or material venture,


Two of pentacles

The Two of Pentacles is a card that represents balance, adaptability, and the juggling of multiple responsibilities. It symbolizes the need for flexibility and finding harmony amidst life's various demands. The card often depicts a figure dancing while balancing two pentacles in an ever-changing environment. In its essence, the Two of Pentacles embodies the energy of managing different aspects of life, maintaining equilibrium, and embracing change. It suggests that the querent is facing a time of juggling multiple priorities, projects,


Three of pentacles

The Three of Pentacles is a card that represents collaboration, teamwork, and the mastery of skills. It symbolizes the importance of working together to achieve common goals and the rewards that come from combining individual talents and expertise. The card often depicts three figures working on a construction project, each contributing their unique abilities. In its essence, the Three of Pentacles embodies the energy of cooperation, craftsmanship, and the pursuit of excellence. It suggests that the querent is engaged in


Four of pentacles

The Four of Pentacles is a card that represents stability, possession, and a desire for control. It symbolizes the need for security and the holding onto material resources, whether it be money, possessions, or power. The card often depicts a figure sitting on a throne, holding onto four pentacles tightly, with a guarded expression. In its essence, the Four of Pentacles embodies the energy of preservation, conservatism, and a cautious approach to managing one's resources. It suggests that the querent


Five of pentacles

The Five of Pentacles is a card that represents challenges, adversity, and a sense of lack or hardship. It symbolizes times of financial or emotional struggle, often depicting two figures walking in the snow, seemingly downtrodden and in need of support. In its essence, the Five of Pentacles embodies the energy of difficulty and vulnerability. It suggests that the querent may be experiencing a period of financial strain, emotional turmoil, or a sense of being excluded or abandoned. This card


Six of pentacles

The Six of Pentacles is a card that represents generosity, charity, and the concept of giving and receiving. It symbolizes a balanced exchange of resources, whether it be financial aid, support, or kindness. The card often depicts a figure distributing coins to those in need, illustrating the act of sharing abundance. In its essence, the Six of Pentacles embodies the energy of compassion, fairness, and the understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings. It suggests that the querent may be


Seven of pentacles

The Seven of Pentacles is a card that represents patience, growth, and the evaluation of progress. It symbolizes a period of reflection and contemplation, where the querent assesses their efforts and determines the next steps in their journey towards long-term goals. The card often depicts a figure leaning on a garden tool, observing the growth of pentacles on a vine. In its essence, the Seven of Pentacles embodies the energy of perseverance, diligence, and the understanding that true rewards come


Eight of pentacles

The Eight of Pentacles is a card that represents dedication, craftsmanship, and the pursuit of mastery. It symbolizes hard work, diligence, and the commitment to honing one's skills or expertise. The card often depicts a figure diligently working on a pentacle, immersed in their craft. In its essence, the Eight of Pentacles embodies the energy of focus, discipline, and the continuous pursuit of improvement. It suggests that the querent is dedicated to their chosen path, investing time and effort into


Nine of pentacles

The Nine of Pentacles is a card that represents abundance, self-sufficiency, and enjoying the rewards of one's efforts. It symbolizes a state of financial stability, independence, and the ability to savor the finer things in life. The card often depicts a figure in a luxurious garden, surrounded by the bounties of nature. In its essence, the Nine of Pentacles embodies the energy of success, refinement, and the fulfillment of material and personal desires. It suggests that the querent has achieved


Ten of pentacles

The Ten of Pentacles is a card that represents abundance, wealth, and the culmination of material and familial success. It symbolizes a state of financial security, stability, and the fulfillment of long-term goals. The card often depicts a prosperous family enjoying the comforts and luxuries of life. In its essence, the Ten of Pentacles embodies the energy of prosperity, legacy, and the rewards of generational wealth. It suggests that the querent has created a strong foundation and is now reaping


Page of pentacles

The Page of Pentacles is a card that represents new beginnings, opportunities, and the pursuit of practical knowledge and skills. It symbolizes the eager and curious energy of a young person embarking on a journey of learning and growth. The card often depicts a youthful figure holding a pentacle, gazing at it with a sense of wonder and potential. In its essence, the Page of Pentacles embodies the energy of curiosity, diligence, and the desire to explore new avenues for


Knight of pentacles

The Knight of Pentacles is a card that represents responsibility, dedication, and the steady pursuit of goals. It symbolizes a focused and determined individual who approaches tasks with patience and practicality. The card often depicts a knight on horseback, dressed in armor, and carrying a pentacle. In its essence, the Knight of Pentacles embodies the energy of hard work, reliability, and the ability to stay grounded in practical matters. It suggests that the querent is diligent, methodical, and committed to


Queen of pentacles

The Queen of Pentacles is a card that represents nurturing, abundance, and practical wisdom. It symbolizes a strong and grounded individual who embodies the qualities of generosity, nurturing, and resourcefulness. The card often depicts a queen sitting on a throne, surrounded by nature and symbols of abundance. In its essence, the Queen of Pentacles embodies the energy of abundance, practicality, and a deep connection with the material world. It suggests that the querent is nurturing and resourceful, with a strong


King of pentacles

The King of Pentacles is a card that represents abundance, mastery, and success in the material realm. It symbolizes a person who has achieved a high level of financial stability, practical wisdom, and the ability to manifest their goals. The card often depicts a king seated on a throne, adorned with symbols of wealth and surrounded by the fruits of his labor. In its essence, the King of Pentacles embodies the energy of prosperity, responsibility, and a strong connection with


Ace of swords

The Ace of Swords is a card that represents new beginnings, mental clarity, and the power of the mind. It symbolizes a fresh start, a breakthrough, and the potential for intellectual growth and insight. The card often depicts a hand emerging from a cloud, holding a single sword with a crown at the tip. In its essence, the Ace of Swords embodies the energy of truth, clarity, and decisive action. It suggests that the querent has the mental strength and


Two of swords

The Two of Swords is a card that represents a state of decision-making, balance, and inner conflict. It symbolizes a period of uncertainty where the querent may feel stuck between two options or perspectives. In its essence, the Two of Swords embodies the energy of indecision, opposing forces, and the need to find equilibrium. It suggests that the querent is facing a dilemma and must find a way to bring clarity and balance to their situation. the Two of Swords


Three of swords

The Three of Swords is a card that represents heartbreak, sorrow, and emotional pain. It symbolizes a period of grief, loss, or the experience of a deep emotional wound. In its essence, the Three of Swords embodies the energy of emotional turmoil, sadness, and the need for healing. It suggests that the querent may be going through a difficult emotional experience that requires time, patience, and self-care. The querent may be experiencing a significant loss, such as the end of


Four of swords

The Four of Swords is a card that represents physical and mental rest, retreat, and healing. In its essence, the Four of Swords embodies the energy of restorative rest, mental calmness, and the need to recharge. It suggests that the querent may be going through a time of recuperation and self-reflection after a period of stress or upheaval. The querent may need to take a step back from their usual activities, find a peaceful sanctuary, and allow themselves the space


Five of swords

The Five of Swords is a card that represents conflict, discord, and the aftermath of a battle. It shows a situation of disagreement, competition, or power struggles. It symbolizes a situation where there may be winners and losers, but the victory comes at a price. In its essence, the Five of Swords embodies the energy of confrontation, disharmony, and the need for resolution. It suggests that the querent may find themselves in a situation where conflicts have arisen, and the


Six of swords

The Six of Swords is a card that represents transition, moving on, and finding a path to calmer waters. It symbolizes a journey from a difficult or turbulent situation towards a more peaceful and stable state. The card often depicts a figure or a boat crossing a body of water, indicating the transition from troubled times to a place of greater tranquility. In its essence, the Six of Swords embodies the energy of healing, resilience, and the need for positive


Seven of swords

The Seven of Swords is a card that represents deceit, trickery, and stealth. It symbolizes a situation where there may be dishonesty, hidden agendas, or the need to strategize and protect oneself. The card often depicts a figure sneaking away with a handful of swords, suggesting the use of cunning and manipulation. In its essence, the Seven of Swords embodies the energy of secrecy, self-preservation, and the need to navigate complex situations. It suggests that the querent may be faced


Eight of swords

The Eight of Swords is a card that represents restriction, feeling trapped, self-imposed limitations, and inability to make decisions. It symbolizes a situation where the querent may feel powerless, isolated, or unable to see a way forward. The card often depicts a figure blindfolded and bound, surrounded by swords, indicating a sense of entrapment and a perceived lack of options. In its essence, the Eight of Swords embodies the energy of limiting beliefs, self-doubt, and the need to break free


Nine of swords

The Nine of Swords is a card that represents worry, anxiety, and emotional distress. It symbolizes a state of mental anguish, sleepless nights, and overwhelming thoughts. The card often depicts a figure sitting up in bed, their head in their hands, surrounded by nine swords, signifying the weight of their worries. In its essence, the Nine of Swords embodies the energy of fear, guilt, and the need to confront and release negative emotions. It suggests that the querent may be


Ten of swords

The Ten of Swords is a card that represents a period of pain, betrayal, and reaching the lowest point in a situation. It symbolizes a sense of complete defeat, exhaustion, and the need to accept the end of a challenging cycle. The card often depicts a figure lying on the ground with ten swords piercing their back, signifying the culmination of suffering and the need for release. In its essence, the Ten of Swords embodies the energy of transformation, acceptance,


Page of swords

The Page of Swords is a card that represents curiosity, intellectual pursuits, and the youthful energy of seeking knowledge. It symbolizes a time of mental stimulation, new ideas, and the eagerness to explore the world through the power of the mind. The card often depicts a young figure holding a sword, with an alert and inquisitive expression on their face. In its essence, the Page of Swords embodies the energy of intellectual growth, communication, and the desire to uncover truth


Knight of swords

The Knight of Swords is a card that represents action, ambition, and the pursuit of truth. It symbolizes a period of assertiveness, determination, and intellectual vigor. The card often depicts a knight charging forward on horseback, sword raised high, ready to face any challenge. In its essence, the Knight of Swords embodies the energy of drive, ambition, and the need to make decisive moves. It suggests that the querent may be entering a phase of focused action, driven by a


Queen of swords

The Queen of Swords is a card that represents wisdom, mental clarity, objectivity, independence, and the need for rational thinking. It symbolizes a woman who is intelligent, perceptive, and possesses the ability to see through illusions. The card often depicts a queen seated on a throne, holding a sword upright, and wearing a stern expression. In its essence, the Queen of Swords embodies the energy of mental strength, discernment, and assertiveness. She represents a woman who values logic, intellect, and


King of swords

The King of Swords is a card that represents authority, logic, and intellectual mastery. It symbolizes a person who is highly intelligent, analytical, and possesses a strong sense of justice. The card often depicts a king seated on a throne, holding a sword upright and wearing a stern expression. In its essence, the King of Swords embodies the energy of wisdom, clarity, and fair judgment. He represents a leader who values truth, reason, and logical thinking, using these qualities to


Ace of cups

The Ace of Cups is a card that represents love, emotions, new beginnings, and the potential for deep emotional fulfillment. It symbolizes the essence of love in its purest form, overflowing with compassion, harmony, and joy. The card often depicts a hand emerging from the clouds, holding a cup that is overflowing with water, surrounded by lush vegetation and a dove. In its essence, the Ace of Cups embodies the energy of emotional abundance, spiritual connection, and the awakening of


Two of cups

The Two of Cups is a card that represents love, connection, harmonious relationships and the coming together of like-minded souls. It symbolizes the union of two souls, mutual understanding, and the potential for deep emotional bonds. In its essence, the Two of Cups embodies the energy of partnership, love, and the potential for a meaningful and balanced relationship. It suggests that the querent may be entering a phase of emotional connection, romance, or the deepening of an existing relationship, or


Three of cups

The Three of Cups is a card that represents celebration, friendship, and joyous connections. It symbolizes the coming together of like-minded individuals, shared experiences, and the enjoyment of life's pleasures. The card often depicts three people raising their cups in celebration, surrounded by an atmosphere of happiness and camaraderie. In its essence, the Three of Cups embodies the energy of harmony, unity, and social connection. It suggests that the querent may be entering a phase of celebration, forming new friendships,


Four of cups

The Four of Cups is a card that represents introspection, contemplation, and a period of emotional stagnation. It symbolizes a state of disinterest, apathy, or being absorbed in one's own thoughts and emotions. In its essence, the Four of Cups embodies the energy of introspection and self-reflection. It suggests that the querent may be experiencing a sense of emotional detachment, discontentment, or a need to reassess their current situation. The card often depicts a person sitting under a tree, with


Five of cups

The Five of Cups is a card that represents loss, disappointment, and emotional grief. It symbolizes a period of sadness, regret, or focusing on what has been lost rather than what remains. The card often depicts a figure standing in front of three spilled cups, with a mournful demeanor, while two cups remain upright behind them. In its essence, the Five of Cups embodies the energy of emotional pain, mourning, and the need to heal from past wounds. It suggests


Six of cups

The Six of Cups is a card that represents nostalgia, innocence, sentimental reflection, and fond memories. It symbolizes a time of reflection on the past, reconnecting with childhood experiences, and finding joy in simpler times. In its essence, the Six of Cups embodies the energy of nostalgia and a longing for the carefree innocence of the past. It suggests that the querent may be revisiting old memories, seeking comfort in familiar experiences, or reconnecting with people from their past. The


Seven of cups

The Seven of Cups is a card that represents choices, illusions, and the power of imagination. It symbolizes a time of possibilities, dreams, and the need to discern between fantasy and reality. The card often depicts a figure surrounded by multiple cups, each containing a different object or symbol, representing various options or desires. In its essence, the Seven of Cups embodies the energy of exploration, creativity, and the potential for new opportunities. It suggests that the querent may be


Eight of cups

The Eight of Cups is a card that represents letting go, moving on, soul-searching, and a search for emotional fulfillment. It symbolizes a period of transition, leaving behind what no longer serves you, and embarking on a journey of self-discovery. The card often depicts a figure walking away from a stack of cups, symbolizing the act of abandoning the familiar and venturing into the unknown. In its essence, the Eight of Cups embodies the energy of introspection, release, and the


Nine of cups

The Nine of Cups is a card that represents contentment, emotional fulfillment, and personal satisfaction. It symbolizes a time of abundance, joy, and the realization of heartfelt desires. In its essence, the Nine of Cups embodies the energy of emotional well-being, gratification, and the attainment of personal goals. It suggests that the querent may be experiencing a period of harmony and contentment in various aspects of their life. The card often depicts a figure sitting in front of a row


Ten of cups

The Ten of Cups is a card that represents emotional fulfillment, harmony, and a sense of deep joy. It symbolizes the attainment of inner happiness, contentment in relationships, and a state of blissful harmony. In its essence, the Ten of Cups embodies the energy of love, connection, and the realization of dreams. It suggests that the querent may be experiencing a period of profound emotional satisfaction and fulfillment in their relationships and overall life. The card often depicts a family


Page of cups

The Page of Cups is a card that represents emotional curiosity, creativity, and the emergence of youthful energy. It symbolizes the beginning of a new emotional journey and the openness to experiencing and expressing one's feelings. In its essence, the Page of Cups embodies the energy of emotional exploration, receptivity, and a fresh perspective. It suggests that the querent may be entering a phase of emotional growth, where they are open to exploring their feelings, and embracing their intuition and


Knight of cups

The Knight of Cups is a card that represents romance, passion, and the pursuit of emotional fulfillment. It symbolizes a knight on a quest, driven by his emotions and seeking to express his love and compassion. The card often depicts a mounted knight holding a cup, representing his emotional nature and the desire for deep connections. In its essence, the Knight of Cups embodies the energy of romanticism, idealism, and emotional intensity. It suggests that the querent may be embarking


Queen of cups

The Queen of Cups is a card that represents emotional maturity and depth, sensitivity, intuition, and nurturing qualities. She embodies compassion, empathy, and a deep understanding of emotions. In its essence, the Queen of Cups embodies the energy of love, emotional intelligence, and inner wisdom. She suggests that the querent may possess a strong sense of intuition and empathy, as well as a nurturing nature, and is capable of providing emotional support. The card often depicts a queen seated on


King of cups

The King of Cups is a card that represents emotional maturity, compassion, and wisdom. He embodies the qualities of emotional intelligence, understanding, and the ability to navigate the depths of emotions with grace and compassion. In its essence, the King of Cups embodies the energy of emotional stability, empathy, and balance. He suggests that the querent may have developed a deep understanding of their own emotions and the emotions of others, allowing them to navigate relationships and challenging situations with
