דלג לתוכן
אתר זה לא תומך בגרסאות ישנות של אינטרנט אקספלורר
מומלץ להשתמש בדפדפן גוגל כרום או פיירפוקס מוזילה
(או באינטרנט אקספלורר / edge עדכני)

The world

Basic meaning

The World is the final card of the Major Arcana and represents completion, wholeness, and the attainment of goals. It symbolizes a sense of fulfillment, integration, and the culmination of a significant cycle in the querent's life. The World reveals a period of accomplishment, integration, and the realization of one's full potential. This card suggests that the querent has reached a significant milestone in their life's journey and is now ready to embrace new beginnings. In a specific situation, The World may indicate the need for the querent to reflect on their achievements, celebrate their successes, and recognize the lessons learned from their experiences. The action to be taken involves setting new goals, embracing growth opportunities, and refraining from becoming complacent or stagnant.


The card often depicts a figure surrounded by a laurel wreath or a dancer gracefully holding two batons, symbolizing the unity of opposites and the harmonious balance achieved. The symbolisms in the image of The World further enrich its meaning. The laurel wreath represents victory, achievement, and recognition for one's efforts. The dancer's pose signifies fluidity, flexibility, and the ability to adapt to different situations. The four corners or elements (earth, air, fire, water) in the card represent the interconnectedness of all aspects of existence.

In Finance

In the context of finance, The World signifies financial stability, abundance, and the successful completion of monetary goals. This card suggests that the querent may have achieved a state of financial security and prosperity. In a specific situation, The World may indicate the need for the querent to maintain responsible financial practices, continue to invest wisely, and share their wealth with others through charitable acts or contributions. The action to be taken involves practicing gratitude, seeking ways to give back, and refraining from unnecessary or excessive spending.

In Relationships

In the context of relationships, The World signifies a sense of fulfillment, harmony, and the establishment of meaningful connections. This card suggests that the querent has achieved balance and satisfaction in their relationships. In a specific situation, The World may indicate the need for the querent to maintain open and honest communication, foster emotional intimacy, and continue nurturing the bonds with their loved ones. The action to be taken involves expressing gratitude, celebrating the achievements of others, and refraining from taking relationships for granted.

In Education

When it comes to education, The World represents the successful culmination of one's learning journey, the attainment of knowledge, and the integration of wisdom. This card suggests that the querent has reached a level of intellectual growth and understanding. In a specific situation, The World may indicate the need for the querent to share their knowledge with others, engage in lifelong learning, and pursue intellectual pursuits that bring them joy and fulfillment. The action to be taken involves mentoring others, seeking opportunities for continued education, and refraining from intellectual arrogance or close-mindedness.

In Work and Career

In the context of work and career, The World signifies professional achievement, recognition, and the attainment of career goals. This card suggests that the querent has reached a stage of success and fulfillment in their chosen vocation. In a specific situation, The World may indicate the need for the querent to embrace leadership roles, share their expertise with others, and seek new challenges or opportunities for growth. The action to be taken involves maintaining a strong work ethic, networking with like-minded professionals, and refraining from becoming complacent or resistant to change.

In Conflict Management

In conflict management, The World advises the querent to seek resolution by embracing a holistic perspective, finding common ground, and recognizing the interconnectedness of all parties involved. This card suggests that resolutions can be found through open-mindedness, empathy, and a willingness to let go of ego-driven conflicts. Ina specific situation, The World may indicate the need for the querent to practice active listening, seek understanding, and strive for peaceful resolutions that benefit all parties. The action to be taken involves fostering empathy, embracing compromise, and refraining from engaging in power struggles or stubbornness.

In New Ventures

In a new venture, The World represents the successful culmination of efforts, the realization of goals, and the readiness to embark on new adventures. This card suggests that the querent has achieved a sense of wholeness and is now prepared to embrace fresh opportunities. In a specific situation, The World may indicate the need for the querent to set ambitious yet achievable goals, expand their horizons, and approach new ventures with confidence and enthusiasm. The action to be taken involves taking calculated risks, trusting in their abilities, and refraining from self-doubt or fear of the unknown.

In Traveling

When it comes to travel, The World signifies a journey of exploration, cultural immersion, and the integration of diverse experiences. This card suggests that the querent's travels may bring them a sense of fulfillment, broaden their perspectives, and provide opportunities for personal growth. In a specific situation, The World may indicate the need for the querent to embrace the richness of different cultures, engage in meaningful connections with locals, and be open to the transformative power of travel. The action to be taken involves seeking new experiences, embracing spontaneity, and refraining from being overly attached to comfort zones or preconceived notions.

General Interpretation

Overall, The World is a card that embodies completion, integration, and the realization of one's full potential. Its symbolism and interpretations in various contexts highlight the querent's journey towards fulfillment, success, and the harmonious balance achieved. As the final card of the Major Arcana, The World signifies the end of a significant cycle and the readiness to embrace new beginnings. Whatever be the query, The World encourages the querent to reflect on their achievements, celebrate their growth, and step forward with confidence and openness as they continue their life's journey.