דלג לתוכן
אתר זה לא תומך בגרסאות ישנות של אינטרנט אקספלורר
מומלץ להשתמש בדפדפן גוגל כרום או פיירפוקס מוזילה
(או באינטרנט אקספלורר / edge עדכני)

Ten of swords

Basic meaning

The Ten of Swords is a card that represents a period of pain, betrayal, and reaching the lowest point in a situation. It symbolizes a sense of complete defeat, exhaustion, and the need to accept the end of a challenging cycle. The card often depicts a figure lying on the ground with ten swords piercing their back, signifying the culmination of suffering and the need for release. In its essence, the Ten of Swords embodies the energy of transformation, acceptance, and the potential for new beginnings. It suggests that the querent may have experienced a significant setback or betrayal, but this painful ending can ultimately pave the way for a fresh start. In this way it also signifies the potential for transformation and growth that can emerge from embracing the lessons learned.


Symbolically, the figure in the image of the Ten of Swords represents the querent's surrender to the circumstances and their willingness to release the pain and burdens of the past. The swords represent the challenges, betrayals, or self-inflicted wounds that have led to this point of extreme difficulty.

In Finance

In the context of finance, the Ten of Swords signifies a period of financial crisis, loss, or bankruptcy. It suggests that the querent may be facing severe financial difficulties and may need to seek professional advice or support to recover from their current situation. In a specific situation, the Ten of Swords may indicate the need for the querent to assess their financial obligations, develop a realistic plan for debt repayment, and explore alternative income sources. The action to be taken involves seeking assistance from financial experts, adopting a frugal approach, and refraining from dwelling on past financial mistakes.

In Relationships

In relationships, the Ten of Swords represents the end of a significant relationship or the deep emotional pain associated with betrayal and heartbreak. It suggests that the querent may be going through a period of grief, disappointment, or a sudden realization of a relationship's unsustainability. In a specific situation, the Ten of Swords may indicate the need for the querent to focus on self-care, seek support from loved ones or therapists, and allow themselves to heal before entering into new relationships. The action to be taken involves setting healthy boundaries, practicing forgiveness (if appropriate), and refraining from holding onto resentments or blaming oneself for the relationship's demise.

In Education

In education, the Ten of Swords signifies a challenging period in the learning journey, possibly leading to the end of a particular educational path or a significant setback. It suggests that the querent may be feeling overwhelmed, discouraged, or questioning their academic pursuits. In a specific situation, the Ten of Swords may indicate the need for the querent to reassess their educational goals, seek support from mentors or educators, and consider alternative paths or areas of study. The action to be taken involves practicing self-compassion, exploring different learning approaches, and refraining from allowing setbacks to define their educational journey.

In Work and Career

In work and career, the Ten of Swords represents a period of professional failure, burnout, or the end of a job or career path. It suggests that the querent may be facing significant challenges or setbacks in their work life, leading to a sense of complete exhaustion or disillusionment. In a specific situation, the Ten of Swords may indicate the need for the querent to take a break, reassess their career goals, and consider alternative paths or industries. The action to be taken involves seeking support from career counselors, focusing on personal well-being, and refraining from dwelling on past mistakes or setbacks.

In Conflict Management

In conflict management, the Ten of Swords advises the querent to accept the outcome of a conflict or disagreement, even if it feels painful or unfair. It suggests that further resistance or attempts to salvage the situation may only prolong the suffering. In a specific situation, the Ten of Swords may indicate the need for the querent to practice self-reflection, let go of grudges or resentments, and seek closure or resolution through peaceful means. The action to be taken involves focusing on personal growth, learning from the experience, and refraining from dwelling on past conflicts or seeking revenge.

In New Ventures

In a new venture, the Ten of Swords signifies the need to let go of unrealistic expectations or outdated approaches. It suggests that the querent may need to release attachment to a specific outcome or strategy and embrace the potential for fresh starts and new opportunities. In a specific situation, the Ten of Swords may indicate the need for the querent to reassess their goals, learn from past mistakes, and adopt a flexible mindset that allows for adaptability and resilience. The action to be taken involves exploring innovative ideas, seeking guidance from mentors or experts, and refraining from clinging to old patterns or beliefs that no longer serve their growth.

In Traveling

In travel, the Ten of Swords represents a journey marked by challenges or unforeseen difficulties. It suggests that the querent may encounter unexpected obstacles, delays, or disappointing experiences while traveling. In a specific situation, the Ten of Swords may indicate the need for the querent to have backup plans, practice patience and adaptability, and approach travel with realistic expectations. The action to be taken involves embracing the lessons and growth opportunities that arise from the challenges, seeking assistance or local advice when needed, and refraining from allowing setbacks to overshadow the overall travel experience.

General Interpretation

Whatever be the query, the Ten of Swords reminds the querent that even in the darkest moments, there is the potential for healing, growth, and transformation. It encourages the querent to release self-blame and embrace the lessons learned from the past. By accepting the end of a difficult cycle, the querent can find the inner strength to rise again and embark on a new path with greater resilience and wisdom.