דלג לתוכן
אתר זה לא תומך בגרסאות ישנות של אינטרנט אקספלורר
מומלץ להשתמש בדפדפן גוגל כרום או פיירפוקס מוזילה
(או באינטרנט אקספלורר / edge עדכני)


Basic meaning

Temperance is a card that represents balance, moderation, and harmony. It symbolizes the blending of opposites, the integration of diverse elements, and the need for patience and adaptability. The card often depicts an angelic figure pouring liquid between two vessels, symbolizing the harmonious blending of different energies.


Symbolisms in the image of Temperance further enrich its meaning. The angelic figure represents divine guidance and spiritual harmony. The pouring of liquid represents the need to find a middle ground, to find balance between extremes. The wings on the figure symbolize the freedom and grace that come from embracing equilibrium.

In Finance

Interpreting Temperance in the context of finance reveals the importance of moderation, careful planning, and finding a balance between saving and spending. This card suggests that the querent may benefit from adopting a balanced approach to their financial decisions and practices. In a specific situation, Temperance may indicate the need for the querent to create a realistic budget, practice mindful spending, and seek harmony between their short-term desires and long-term financial goals. The action to be taken involves seeking financial advice, finding ways to increase income and decrease expenses, and refraining from impulsive or excessive spending.

In Relationships

In the context of relationships, Temperance signifies the need for balance, patience, and compromise. This card suggests that the querent may need to find a middle ground and harmonize differing perspectives or needs within their relationships. In a specific situation, Temperance may indicate the need for the querent to practice active listening, seek understanding, and foster open communication to create balanced and harmonious connections. The action to be taken involves finding common ground, embracing empathy, and refraining from being rigid or uncompromising in relationships.

In Education

When it comes to education, Temperance represents the need for a balanced approach to learning, combining knowledge with practical application. This card suggests that the querent may benefit from integrating different sources of information, seeking a holistic understanding, and finding harmony between theory and practice. In a specific situation, Temperance may indicate the need for the querent to balance study time with real-world experiences, explore different learning methods, and embrace a well-rounded approach to education. The action to be taken involves seeking diverse perspectives, applying learned knowledge to practical situations, and refraining from overly focusing on a single area of study.

In Work and Career

In the context of work and career, Temperance signifies the need for balance, adaptability, and finding harmony between work and personal life. This card suggests that the querent may benefit from integrating different aspects of their life to achieve a sense of fulfillment and well-being in their professional endeavors. In a specific situation, Temperance may indicate the need for the querent to establish work-life balance, nurture positive relationships with colleagues, and find joy and meaning in their chosen career path. The action to be taken involves prioritizing self-care, setting boundaries, and refraining from overworking or neglecting personal needs for the sake of career advancement.

In Conflict Management

When it comes to conflict management, Temperance advises the querent to seek harmony, find common ground, and practice patience and understanding. This card suggests that resolutions can be found through diplomacy, compromise, and a willingness to bridge differences. In a specific situation, Temperance may indicate the need for the querent to practice active listening, seek win-win solutions, and foster empathy and understanding in conflict situations. The action to be taken involves embracing diplomacy, seeking mediation if necessary, and refraining from engaging in confrontational or aggressive behavior.

In New Ventures

In the context of a new venture, Temperance represents the need for a balanced and measured approach, combining patience with calculated risk-taking. This card suggests that the querent may benefit from finding a harmonious blend of creativity,practicality, and adaptability in their new venture. In a specific situation, Temperance may indicate the need for the querent to create a well-thought-out business plan, seek guidance from mentors or experts, and find the right balance between innovation and stability. The action to be taken involves conducting market research, taking calculated risks, and refraining from rushing into decisions without careful consideration.

In Traveling

When it comes to travel, Temperance represents the need for a balanced and harmonious travel experience. This card suggests that the querent's travels may involve finding equilibrium between relaxation and exploration, immersing oneself in the local culture while also taking time for personal rejuvenation. In a specific situation, Temperance may indicate the need for the querent to plan a well-rounded itinerary, balance busy sightseeing with moments of tranquility, and seek experiences that nourish both the body and the soul. The action to be taken involves embracing spontaneity while also having a structured plan, respecting local customs, and refraining from overindulgence or excessive itinerary planning.

General Interpretation

Overall, Temperance is a card that embodies balance, harmony, and the integration of different elements. Its symbolism and interpretations in various contexts highlight the querent's potential for finding equilibrium, practicing moderation, and embracing a well-rounded approach to life. Whether in finance, relationships, education, work, conflict management, new ventures, or travel, Temperance encourages the querent to seek balance, adaptability, and a harmonious integration of diverse aspects. Through this, they can cultivate a sense of peace, fulfillment, and sustainable growth on their life's journey.